Two weekends ago, I spent a little bit of time at the Mike & Chris sample sale. I wasn't there for very long because of an unfortunate incident that morning, but I'm glad that I got to browse for a little bit; if rumors are to be believed, it might have been the last one that I got to go to.
There was a lot more stock than previous sales, but sadly, very little by the way of deals. I went there for the purpose of getting a leather jacket, but I walked out without one--given the current economic landscape, it is simply not prudent to spend $400 on a leather jacket, much less on one that is not exactly what I want. There was a $10 box of pleated blazers, but there were few takers, since it was all extra-smalls, and even that ran pretty small. It fits my torso perfectly, if a bit tight around the arms, but it's perfect for the office or for the weekend, which is when I wore this. The pleats on the front, back, and the edges of the pocket are super-cute and very well-placed.
I also picked up a fairly conventional hoodie. While it was was only 50% or so off and hence not the best deal, it was something I've been eyeing ever since the last sample sale. I love the pretty yet subdued sage green color, along with the "pop" from the neon yellow trim. It is a great casual, kickback piece that will go a long way. Since it is so warm and cozy, I can see myself wearing this a lot for my travels.
I love both of your finds. The first one would make me look too puffy in the middle but the second one is oh-so-comfy like the hoodie I bought last weekend! (see blog)
I really like the blazer. What a good deal! Sales Rack Raider, indeed.
FB--we're almost hoodie twins! I'm wearing the comfy one as we speak or, er, type.
Muttersome--Thanks! It's probably going to be a piece I'll wear to work a ton of times.
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